Middle Schoolers- All PPCS Master Students
Unlike our junior and senior classes, which welcome beginners, this class is exclusively for students with prior dance experience and requires the school year commitment. Participants should already understand eight counts, routine building, and related dance concepts.
Each session builds on the previous one, culminating in routines performed at our end-of-year showcase. Due to their prior experience, the routines in this class will be more challenging and fast-paced. Our goal is to refine their dance skills and boost their self-esteem in every class. To foster a sense of unity, this class is kept smaller than the junior and senior classes.
Key Features:
- Faster paced teaching and learning.
- More intricate timing and movements
- Additional routines
- Emphasis on stage presence and facials expressions
- Possible earned solos.
Wednesdays at Central Campus 12350 Sheridan St, Pembroke Pines 33026
TIME: 5:10-5:55 pm / If not enrolled in aftercare your child must go home at dismissal time and come back for class.
Minimum 10 students
This is our Master’s class for 6th, 7th and 8th graders
→Please note that BOTH, registration form and 1st payment must be received to process your registration.
Registration fee is non-refundable, please be sure NOT to register to a Full Class. Cancellation requires 2 weeks notice.
2 spots available
What to wear?
- Aftercare students should stay in their school uniform as they are in school premises.
- If a child goes home and comes back for class have them wear leggins and a T-shirt. Shorts must be appropriate length to be at school.
- Must wear sneakers for safety.
- Children with hair past their shoulder must tie their hair away from their face.
Dismissal Location:
By the gate with the GREEN AWNING (Where the elementary AM drop off is)
We will walk as a group and bring the child to you in the carline.
Students enrolled in aftercare will be taken back to their aftercare location.
Good To Know:
- Only if a class is full your payment will be refunded, otherwise registration fee is non-refundable.
- Classes have limited capacity and fill up very quickly.
- Some schools fill up within hours of opening registration. We DO NOT hold spots. Classes have limited capacity and fill up very quickly. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE.
- If class is full add your child to our wait list, click here
- Once registration form is received you will get an email confirmation within 3-4 business days. IF NOT received please contact us.
- Our priority is the safety of your children. We cannot accommodate bus riders as they are dismissed and leave before we are able to get to them. We do not have additional personnel to pick up directly from their class room. Thank you for your understanding.
- Dance outfits are required for those students participating in our annual showcase and/or any other presentation to ensure uniformity. As our showcase date approaches (May) emails will be sent with all the necessary information.
- The dance outfits cost is not included in the registration or the installment fee. They will do not exceed $125) No student can’t perform without their required outfits or an unpaid balance.
- Tickets for our showcase range from $21-$35
- Read our Fees and Policies
- Call Ms. Richie with any questions 954-243-6521.
All Rights Reserved